If you encounter a 500 error after updating the Category Tree Links module to version 3.0.0 or higher, use the following module to fix it:

Download the module

Some of our templates used this override to keep the visited category open. In the old version of this Prestashop module, this behavior couldn't be achieved otherwise. In the new version, the override is no longer needed and causes the mentioned error (Prestashop removed the function relied upon by the override in the new module version). The fix module performs the following:

  • Updates the file /themes/templatename/modules/ps_categorytree/views/templates/hook/ps_categorytree.tpl
  • Deletes the file /override/modules/ps_categorytree/ps_categorytree.php
  • Deletes the file /modules/wpthemeconfigurator/override/modules/ps_categorytree/ps_categorytree.php
